Eden Solutions, Author at Eden BlueGold® - Page 2 of 2
October 19, 2016
(NaturalNews) Western civilization is facing a health crisis of unprecedented proportions, with chronic disease rates continuing to surge all throughout the developed world with no end in sight. And a new research study published in the peer-reviewed journal Entropy suggests that one of the world’s most widely used crop herbicides, Monsanto’s Roundup formula, is more than likely the leading cause of this new culture of disease and death here in the West. First introduced back in the 1970s, Roundup, the active ingredient of which is glyphosate, has continually turned up in the scientific literature as a slow-killing poison for humans. Though the chemical industry insists that it is safe, glyphosate has repeatedly been linked to damaging the fundamental biochemical reactions that normally occur within a healthy human body, a fact reiterated in this latest study. While scientists for years have been running in circles trying to figure out why Western society is now plagued by things like diabetes and autism, the answer has apparently been sitting right under our noses the whole time. Since its advent, the rising use of Roundup in agriculture has coincided exactly with a rise in allergies, dementia, gastrointestinal (GI) disease, cancer and a host of other ailments, all of which can be traced back through specific biochemical pathways damaged by glyphosate. Dr. Pamela Coleman, Ph.D., a farm and food policy analyst at the non-profit Cornucopia Institute, highlights some of the main points of the study in a recent summary, explaining how chronic, low-level exposure to glyphosate eventually leads to the formation of corresponding chronic disease. It does this by obstructing the synthesis of amino acids during digestion, depleting existing amino acid reserves within the body and damaging probiotic bacteria in the gut. Glyphosate also depletes the body of the enzymes it needs to detoxify other harmful poisons, including other pesticide formulas and heavy metals. So not only does glyphosate destroy the body’s ability to protect itself against disease by depleting nutrient reserves and blocking nutrient absorption, but it also tells the body to essentially stand down in terms of guarding itself against a toxic invasion. “Contrary to the current widely-held misconception that glyphosate is relatively harmless to humans, the available evidence shows that glyphosate may rather be the most important factor in the development of multiple chronic diseases and conditions that have become prevalent in Westernized societies,” emphasize the authors of the new study about their findings. Glyphosate: A global holocaust without the gas chambers Those familiar with history may recall the use of Zyklon B, another type of pesticide, during World War II. It is said that the Nazis used this poison, which was originally developed to treat buildings, ships, and machinery for rodents and insects, on human prisoners being detained at Nazi concentration camps. Zyklon B, of course, was the chemical added to the gas chamber showers that were used to exterminate untold millions of people. Zyklon B was also primarily produced by IG Farben, a conglomerate that included chemical and pharmaceutical companies like BASF and Bayer. Fast forward to today and we have a similar mass poisoning taking place via commercial agriculture, but without the gas chambers. Glyphosate, for all intents and purposes, appears to be the new Zyklon B when it comes to what this chemical is accomplishing in the extermination of the planet. Untold millions of people are being exposed to glyphosate on a daily basis, and this exposure is leading many of them to fall chronically, and in many cases terminally, ill. “Glyphosate’s inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes is an overlooked component of its toxicity to mammals,” add the authors, suggesting that glyphosate was intentionally designed to cripple the body’s defenses against toxicity. “[G]lyphosate is the ‘textbook example’ of exogenous semiotic entropy: the disruption of homeostasis by environmental toxins.” Dr. Coleman’s full paper on the new study can be accessed here: https://www.cornucopia.org.

Is Glyphosate The New Zyklon B For All Of Us?

Aliquam adipiscing felis tincidunt eget, euismod pede eu cursus at, suscipit a, lorem. Morbi sodales wisi placerat eget, elementum eu, ullamcorper ac

September 14, 2016
greenhouse, gardening, hydroponics, gardening raised beds, nursery plants, aquaponics, pest control house plants, indoor plants, hanging plants, gardening plants, tower garden, plant viruses, lawn care perennial plants, tree diseases, container gardening, houseplants, shade plants, indoor gardening bonsai tree, bamboo plant, bambooo tree, lemon tree, tropical plant, ground cover plant, citrus tree potting soil, plant food, vegetable garden, shade plants, succulents, garden fertilizer, tomatoes gardeners, growers, farmers, plant nursery, garden women, men, hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics urban farmer, urban gardener, vertical growing indoor gardening, indoor growing, tower garden landscaper, lawn care, landscape, landscaping natural, organic, non-toxic, made in USA, NOP, safe for all plants, safe for all produce, safe for all people, safe for all animals, guaranteed results, bio-surfactant, liquid concentrate Potting soil, garden soil, gardening soil soil amendments, organic soil, soil conditioner soil nutrients, garden fertilizer, plant food pest control, root rot, root stimulator, fungicide root growth, organic fertilizer, liquid fertilizer plant food fertilizer vegetable tomato gardening root rot root growth soil amendment organic garden miracle grow scotts advanced nutrients NPK wilt general hydroponics potting soil houseplant citrus aphids thrips fungicide insecticide blight mites plant viruses fire blight root stimulator fungus powdery mildew liquid fertilizer indoor outdoor black spot plant bugs stem rot leafhopper weevil scale insects liquid plant food humid fulvic acid canker galls leaf curl beetles slug snail whitefly greenhouse, gardening, hydroponics, gardening raised beds, plant nursery, plant nursery, indoor plants, hanging plants, gardening supplies, fungus gnats, tower garden, rock garden, herb garden, perennial plants, vegetable garden, indoor gardening, square foot gardening, container garden, indoor herb garden, aquaponics system, indoor trees, aeroponics, urban gardening, backyard gardening, hanging plants indoor, outdoor potted plants, home gardening, organic gardening, landscape gardening, container plants, perennial garden, sustainable gardening, grow system, container farming earwig, japanese beetles, aphids, nematodes, spider mites, bamboo plant, fungus gnats, thrips, mealybugs, whiteflies, squash bugs, whitefly, powdery mildew, grub worm, hymenoptera, milky spore, cutworms, leafhopper, dutch elm disease, corn smut, cucumber beetles, weevil bugs, tomato blight, flea beetles, grub control, fire blight, leafminer, red mite, verticillium wilt, anthracnose, sawflies, potato beetles, fungal diseases, sawfly, leafcutter bees, scale insects, root rot, lawn fungus, cabbage worm, squash vine borer, garden bugs, fusarium wilt, apple scab, cabbage looper, borer beetle, peach tree diseases, natural pest control, sudden oak death, damping-off, corn earworms, leaf spot, white grubs, lawn diseases, maple tree diseases, pear tree diseases, mealy bug, tomato pests, leaf curl, mexican bean beetle, magnolia tree care, cucumber diseases, palm tree care, mosaic virus, liquid plant food, liquid plant food, tree borers, slug control, cherry tree diseases, early blight, late blight, cytospora canker, wheat rust, plant viruses, botrytis blight, plum tree diseases, tomato fungus, caterpillar killer, caterpillar killer, cedar rust, sunscald, root rot treatment, bacterial wilt bonsai tree, tomato plant, bamboo plant, crab apple tree, rock garden, herb garden, perennial plants, cactus plant, shade plants, growing potatoes, container garden, ornamental trees, gardening vegetables, meyer lemon tree, raspberry plants, bamboo tree, boxwood shrub, low light plants, palm plants, exotic plants, bonsai garden, lemon tree indoor, foliage plant, fig tree care, phlox ground cover, citrus tree, corn plant care, lemon tree care, fruit plants, organic strawberry plants, herb garden plants garden soil, organic fertilizer, grass fertilizer, plant food, compost tea, organic weed killer, tomato fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, weed control, starter fertilizer, plant nutrients, plant food, soil amendments, plant fertilizer, fertilizer for plants, root booster, soil conditioner, root stimulator, inoculant, vegetable fertilizer, foliar spray, natural insecticide, organic liquid fertilizer, organic plant food, foliar feeding, soil nutrients, foliar fertilizer, liquid plant food, citrus tree fertilizer, citrus food, natural lawn care, root starter, houseplant fertilizer, kelp fertilizer, lawn fungus control, root growth hormone, plant food indoor, bean inoculant, root growth

Blue Gold™ Cattle and Earthworm Testimony From Bar 10 Ranch, St. George, Utah

Quisque lorem tortor fringilla sed, vestibulum id, eleifend justo vella ipsum dolor lacus, suscipit adipiscing. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et ultrices volutpat.
August 25, 2016
commercial fertilizer, commercial organic fertilizer, commercial fertilizer spreader, commercial liquid fertilizer, commercial liquid fertilizer sprayer, commercial grade fertilizer spreader, commercial fertilizer spreader, commercial organic fertilizer supplier, commercial nitrogen fertilizer, fertilizer, lesco fertilizer, scotts fertilizer, best fertilizer, fertilizer for blueberries, fertilizer phosphate, fertilizer n p k, fertilizer 13-13-13, fertilizer best, fertilizer for strawberries, fertilizer for strawberries, fertilizer with high nitrogen, fertilizer on plants, fertilizer with low nitrogen, fertilizer high in phosphate, fertilizer 16 16 16, fertilizer 19 19 19, fertilizer for vegetables, fertilizer for tomatoes, fertilizer lemon tree, best fertilizer for bermuda grass, fertilizer for potatoes, fertilizer japanese maple, fertilizer 15 15 15, fertilizer companies, fertilizer with high phosphorus, fertilizer for raspberries, fertilizer on plants, fertilizer for vegetables, fertilizer for tomatoes, fertilizer for tomatoes

Supercharge Your Dryland Alfalfa With Eden Solutions!

Nunc felis. Curabitur ac ipsum. Pellentesque nibh ultricies est. Maecenas consequat, augue a venenatis risus. Ut id mollis vel, lacinia quam. Praesent blandit malesuada. Suspendisse commodo

August 25, 2016
This is a brief report on the production of organically grown (not certified) blueberries on my family farm in Carlton, Minnesota: “A brief report on the production of organically grown (not certified) blueberries on my family farm in Carlton, Minnesota: “My family planted two varieties of blueberries conducive to the cold climate of northern Minnesota. Chippewa and Superior were selected based on hardiness, disease resistance, and production. The field was planted in the summer of 2010 with 2-year-old plants from a commercial grower. The first two years there was average to low average growth on the plants. (If you want specifics on how they were planted, soil type, etc. I can furnish that individually.) One problem with the slow growth was little to no snow during one winter and below freezing temps. Although these are varieties that are suited for cold, extreme cold will still freeze off the buds. The snow cover insulates them. In the spring of 2013, I was fortunate to come into contact with James at Eden Solutions who discussed with me the organic liquid based products he wanted me to try as a topical applicant. I applied via back-pack sprayer than a 15gal tank sprayer from my four wheelers on average every 7 to 10 days. The surfactant qualities of the liquid, aided in water uptake and availability, as well as nutrifying the plants and soil. One of the most significant results I noticed early in the summer was the prolific flowering of the plants. Well after they were supposed to be done flowering, the plants continued to produce flowers. As an added note, I do have (2), 3-hive stacks of Italian bees adjacent to the field. Another noticeable difference was the vibrant color of the plants. They really looked healthy. Vertical growth was not as much as the previous summer, but there was very little fruit the previous summer for the plants to support due to the above mentioned harsh preceding winter. One issue I have been contending with the past couple of years has been the cycling of the Northern Forest Tent Caterpillar. These pests recur every 7-9 years and increase in number to a peak exponentially over about three years until they recede for another 7-9 years. 2012-2013 I believe, and hope was the peak. James advised me on the Blue Gold™ product as a deterrent. Upon initial application, the caterpillars slowed down but did not die. I increased the concentration by half and tested it on a few subjects. There was an immediate reaction to the spray. The caterpillars rolled over and died within 90 seconds. I initially spot sprayed any plants that had any caterpillars on them then sprayed all the perimeter rows to inhibit the migration into the field. I then applied to all plants as James told me it would change the pH of the plant to where the pest would not consume any foliage. This was confirmed as about two weeks after the fight there were virtually no caterpillars on any leaves. A few were observed on the stems but not the leaves. A DNR rep stopped by to place a Gypsy Moth trap on my property, and I showed her the reaction and result of the spray. She was astonished as the DNR’s approach is to aerial spray a pheromone to inhibit mating of the moths. Another note: Blueberry harvest for these varieties in this region is usually from about the 3rd week of July to the end of August. Another note: Blueberry harvest for these varieties in this region is usually from about the 3rd week of July to the end of August. This year we were picking the last of the blueberries on September 24th. No other growers in the region still had berries this late. Overall, I am amazed at the production results. I harvested 875lbs of berries from 1,000 plants that are 1/8th of the estimated maturity.” -Cid, from Cid’s Blueberry Farm

Blue Gold™ Results On Cid’s Organic Blueberry Farm In Minnesota!

Pellentesque et lacus pretium tincidunt. Pellentesque at metus. Donec nisl a nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in nulla orci ut leo nec cursus consequat, orci ut

August 23, 2016
As Monsanto parades their genetically modified seed, throwing it out like candy into the fields, future generations are being subjected to nutritionally void, disease-causing food. As the government protects the GMO industry, with its recent signing of the “Monsanto Protection Act”, the republic’s health interests are being discarded. A 2012 study, called the Corn Comparison Report, was recently released by Profit Pro and published on the website for Moms Across America March to Label GMOs – a group dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of genetically modified organisms. The Corn Comparison Report detailed the nutritional deficiencies of GMO corn compared to regular organic corn. The report reveals the stunning levels of glyphosate in GMO corn and the number of vital nutrients that have been drawn out. GMO corn: nutritionally void The nutrition statistics for GMO corn are bone chilling. Here is what the report indicates: • Organic corn has 14 ppm of manganese. GMO corn has only 2 ppm. • Real corn has 7 times more manganese! • Organic corn has 6130 ppm of calcium. GMO is stripped down to 14 ppm. • Real corn has 437 times more calcium! • Organic corn has 113 ppm of magnesium. GMO corn is vacant, with only 2 ppm. • Real corn has 56 times more magnesium! GMO corn contains alarming glyphosate levels The amount of formaldehyde and glyphosate in GMO corn is unbelievable. To break it down, American EPA standards allow glyphosate in water of up to .7ppm. European tests indicate that animals begin experiencing liver damage at .0001 ppm of glyphosate in water. Putting these two statistics together, America’s water levels contain glyphosate that is 7,000 times greater than the amount required for animal liver damage! GMO corn takes that statistic up yet another notch. GMO corn contains 13 ppm of glyphosate or the equivalent of 130,000 times more toxicity than EPA water standards! The formaldehyde level of GMO corn is unspeakable. In a similar study on GMO corn, Dr. Huber found out that animals avoid GMO corn at all costs. When given a choice between both GMO and non-GMO varieties of corn, animals always go for the real organic corn. Huber also found out that .97ppm of formaldehyde is toxic to animals. The GMO corn he tried to give the animals contained 200 times that amount! This begs the questions: • Why is something this toxic fed to humans? • Why would humans touch the stuff in the first place? • Are people devolving? • Have their instincts been shut down? • Is their intuition numb? • Are they distracted by pretty labels and promises of safety? Genetically modified organisms are an open invitation to disease, cancer, and infertility. What a person consumes is what they become. Eating nutrient-void, formaldehyde-laden GMO corn is beckoning a disease-ridden population. There is enough evidence out now that explains the horror of genetically modified food. Any corporation that feeds this genetically modified system to the people should be tried for crimes against humanity. Sadly, Monsanto and other biotech giants may have just been pardoned for their crimes against humanity. Through recent lobbying by the federal government, Monsanto was able to protect their GMO industry and get Congress and President Obama to pass a provision that exempts them from GMO liability. This law was signed into motion on March 26 and allows biotech companies like Monsanto to bypass federal approval tests and plant their GMO crops despite well-known health risks. This provision frees biotech companies from their liability to the people and from judicial accountability.

Comparison of GMO and non-GMO corn

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
October 19, 2016
(NaturalNews) Western civilization is facing a health crisis of unprecedented proportions, with chronic disease rates continuing to surge all throughout the developed world with no end in sight. And a new research study published in the peer-reviewed journal Entropy suggests that one of the world’s most widely used crop herbicides, Monsanto’s Roundup formula, is more than likely the leading cause of this new culture of disease and death here in the West. First introduced back in the 1970s, Roundup, the active ingredient of which is glyphosate, has continually turned up in the scientific literature as a slow-killing poison for humans. Though the chemical industry insists that it is safe, glyphosate has repeatedly been linked to damaging the fundamental biochemical reactions that normally occur within a healthy human body, a fact reiterated in this latest study. While scientists for years have been running in circles trying to figure out why Western society is now plagued by things like diabetes and autism, the answer has apparently been sitting right under our noses the whole time. Since its advent, the rising use of Roundup in agriculture has coincided exactly with a rise in allergies, dementia, gastrointestinal (GI) disease, cancer and a host of other ailments, all of which can be traced back through specific biochemical pathways damaged by glyphosate. Dr. Pamela Coleman, Ph.D., a farm and food policy analyst at the non-profit Cornucopia Institute, highlights some of the main points of the study in a recent summary, explaining how chronic, low-level exposure to glyphosate eventually leads to the formation of corresponding chronic disease. It does this by obstructing the synthesis of amino acids during digestion, depleting existing amino acid reserves within the body and damaging probiotic bacteria in the gut. Glyphosate also depletes the body of the enzymes it needs to detoxify other harmful poisons, including other pesticide formulas and heavy metals. So not only does glyphosate destroy the body’s ability to protect itself against disease by depleting nutrient reserves and blocking nutrient absorption, but it also tells the body to essentially stand down in terms of guarding itself against a toxic invasion. “Contrary to the current widely-held misconception that glyphosate is relatively harmless to humans, the available evidence shows that glyphosate may rather be the most important factor in the development of multiple chronic diseases and conditions that have become prevalent in Westernized societies,” emphasize the authors of the new study about their findings. Glyphosate: A global holocaust without the gas chambers Those familiar with history may recall the use of Zyklon B, another type of pesticide, during World War II. It is said that the Nazis used this poison, which was originally developed to treat buildings, ships, and machinery for rodents and insects, on human prisoners being detained at Nazi concentration camps. Zyklon B, of course, was the chemical added to the gas chamber showers that were used to exterminate untold millions of people. Zyklon B was also primarily produced by IG Farben, a conglomerate that included chemical and pharmaceutical companies like BASF and Bayer. Fast forward to today and we have a similar mass poisoning taking place via commercial agriculture, but without the gas chambers. Glyphosate, for all intents and purposes, appears to be the new Zyklon B when it comes to what this chemical is accomplishing in the extermination of the planet. Untold millions of people are being exposed to glyphosate on a daily basis, and this exposure is leading many of them to fall chronically, and in many cases terminally, ill. “Glyphosate’s inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes is an overlooked component of its toxicity to mammals,” add the authors, suggesting that glyphosate was intentionally designed to cripple the body’s defenses against toxicity. “[G]lyphosate is the ‘textbook example’ of exogenous semiotic entropy: the disruption of homeostasis by environmental toxins.” Dr. Coleman’s full paper on the new study can be accessed here: https://www.cornucopia.org.

Is Glyphosate The New Zyklon B For All Of Us?

Aliquam adipiscing felis tincidunt eget, euismod pede eu cursus at, suscipit a, lorem. Morbi sodales wisi placerat eget, elementum eu, ullamcorper ac

September 14, 2016
greenhouse, gardening, hydroponics, gardening raised beds, nursery plants, aquaponics, pest control house plants, indoor plants, hanging plants, gardening plants, tower garden, plant viruses, lawn care perennial plants, tree diseases, container gardening, houseplants, shade plants, indoor gardening bonsai tree, bamboo plant, bambooo tree, lemon tree, tropical plant, ground cover plant, citrus tree potting soil, plant food, vegetable garden, shade plants, succulents, garden fertilizer, tomatoes gardeners, growers, farmers, plant nursery, garden women, men, hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics urban farmer, urban gardener, vertical growing indoor gardening, indoor growing, tower garden landscaper, lawn care, landscape, landscaping natural, organic, non-toxic, made in USA, NOP, safe for all plants, safe for all produce, safe for all people, safe for all animals, guaranteed results, bio-surfactant, liquid concentrate Potting soil, garden soil, gardening soil soil amendments, organic soil, soil conditioner soil nutrients, garden fertilizer, plant food pest control, root rot, root stimulator, fungicide root growth, organic fertilizer, liquid fertilizer plant food fertilizer vegetable tomato gardening root rot root growth soil amendment organic garden miracle grow scotts advanced nutrients NPK wilt general hydroponics potting soil houseplant citrus aphids thrips fungicide insecticide blight mites plant viruses fire blight root stimulator fungus powdery mildew liquid fertilizer indoor outdoor black spot plant bugs stem rot leafhopper weevil scale insects liquid plant food humid fulvic acid canker galls leaf curl beetles slug snail whitefly greenhouse, gardening, hydroponics, gardening raised beds, plant nursery, plant nursery, indoor plants, hanging plants, gardening supplies, fungus gnats, tower garden, rock garden, herb garden, perennial plants, vegetable garden, indoor gardening, square foot gardening, container garden, indoor herb garden, aquaponics system, indoor trees, aeroponics, urban gardening, backyard gardening, hanging plants indoor, outdoor potted plants, home gardening, organic gardening, landscape gardening, container plants, perennial garden, sustainable gardening, grow system, container farming earwig, japanese beetles, aphids, nematodes, spider mites, bamboo plant, fungus gnats, thrips, mealybugs, whiteflies, squash bugs, whitefly, powdery mildew, grub worm, hymenoptera, milky spore, cutworms, leafhopper, dutch elm disease, corn smut, cucumber beetles, weevil bugs, tomato blight, flea beetles, grub control, fire blight, leafminer, red mite, verticillium wilt, anthracnose, sawflies, potato beetles, fungal diseases, sawfly, leafcutter bees, scale insects, root rot, lawn fungus, cabbage worm, squash vine borer, garden bugs, fusarium wilt, apple scab, cabbage looper, borer beetle, peach tree diseases, natural pest control, sudden oak death, damping-off, corn earworms, leaf spot, white grubs, lawn diseases, maple tree diseases, pear tree diseases, mealy bug, tomato pests, leaf curl, mexican bean beetle, magnolia tree care, cucumber diseases, palm tree care, mosaic virus, liquid plant food, liquid plant food, tree borers, slug control, cherry tree diseases, early blight, late blight, cytospora canker, wheat rust, plant viruses, botrytis blight, plum tree diseases, tomato fungus, caterpillar killer, caterpillar killer, cedar rust, sunscald, root rot treatment, bacterial wilt bonsai tree, tomato plant, bamboo plant, crab apple tree, rock garden, herb garden, perennial plants, cactus plant, shade plants, growing potatoes, container garden, ornamental trees, gardening vegetables, meyer lemon tree, raspberry plants, bamboo tree, boxwood shrub, low light plants, palm plants, exotic plants, bonsai garden, lemon tree indoor, foliage plant, fig tree care, phlox ground cover, citrus tree, corn plant care, lemon tree care, fruit plants, organic strawberry plants, herb garden plants garden soil, organic fertilizer, grass fertilizer, plant food, compost tea, organic weed killer, tomato fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, weed control, starter fertilizer, plant nutrients, plant food, soil amendments, plant fertilizer, fertilizer for plants, root booster, soil conditioner, root stimulator, inoculant, vegetable fertilizer, foliar spray, natural insecticide, organic liquid fertilizer, organic plant food, foliar feeding, soil nutrients, foliar fertilizer, liquid plant food, citrus tree fertilizer, citrus food, natural lawn care, root starter, houseplant fertilizer, kelp fertilizer, lawn fungus control, root growth hormone, plant food indoor, bean inoculant, root growth

Blue Gold™ Cattle and Earthworm Testimony From Bar 10 Ranch, St. George, Utah

Quisque lorem tortor fringilla sed, vestibulum id, eleifend justo vella ipsum dolor lacus, suscipit adipiscing. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et ultrices volutpat.
August 25, 2016
commercial fertilizer, commercial organic fertilizer, commercial fertilizer spreader, commercial liquid fertilizer, commercial liquid fertilizer sprayer, commercial grade fertilizer spreader, commercial fertilizer spreader, commercial organic fertilizer supplier, commercial nitrogen fertilizer, fertilizer, lesco fertilizer, scotts fertilizer, best fertilizer, fertilizer for blueberries, fertilizer phosphate, fertilizer n p k, fertilizer 13-13-13, fertilizer best, fertilizer for strawberries, fertilizer for strawberries, fertilizer with high nitrogen, fertilizer on plants, fertilizer with low nitrogen, fertilizer high in phosphate, fertilizer 16 16 16, fertilizer 19 19 19, fertilizer for vegetables, fertilizer for tomatoes, fertilizer lemon tree, best fertilizer for bermuda grass, fertilizer for potatoes, fertilizer japanese maple, fertilizer 15 15 15, fertilizer companies, fertilizer with high phosphorus, fertilizer for raspberries, fertilizer on plants, fertilizer for vegetables, fertilizer for tomatoes, fertilizer for tomatoes

Supercharge Your Dryland Alfalfa With Eden Solutions!

Nunc felis. Curabitur ac ipsum. Pellentesque nibh ultricies est. Maecenas consequat, augue a venenatis risus. Ut id mollis vel, lacinia quam. Praesent blandit malesuada. Suspendisse commodo

August 25, 2016
This is a brief report on the production of organically grown (not certified) blueberries on my family farm in Carlton, Minnesota: “A brief report on the production of organically grown (not certified) blueberries on my family farm in Carlton, Minnesota: “My family planted two varieties of blueberries conducive to the cold climate of northern Minnesota. Chippewa and Superior were selected based on hardiness, disease resistance, and production. The field was planted in the summer of 2010 with 2-year-old plants from a commercial grower. The first two years there was average to low average growth on the plants. (If you want specifics on how they were planted, soil type, etc. I can furnish that individually.) One problem with the slow growth was little to no snow during one winter and below freezing temps. Although these are varieties that are suited for cold, extreme cold will still freeze off the buds. The snow cover insulates them. In the spring of 2013, I was fortunate to come into contact with James at Eden Solutions who discussed with me the organic liquid based products he wanted me to try as a topical applicant. I applied via back-pack sprayer than a 15gal tank sprayer from my four wheelers on average every 7 to 10 days. The surfactant qualities of the liquid, aided in water uptake and availability, as well as nutrifying the plants and soil. One of the most significant results I noticed early in the summer was the prolific flowering of the plants. Well after they were supposed to be done flowering, the plants continued to produce flowers. As an added note, I do have (2), 3-hive stacks of Italian bees adjacent to the field. Another noticeable difference was the vibrant color of the plants. They really looked healthy. Vertical growth was not as much as the previous summer, but there was very little fruit the previous summer for the plants to support due to the above mentioned harsh preceding winter. One issue I have been contending with the past couple of years has been the cycling of the Northern Forest Tent Caterpillar. These pests recur every 7-9 years and increase in number to a peak exponentially over about three years until they recede for another 7-9 years. 2012-2013 I believe, and hope was the peak. James advised me on the Blue Gold™ product as a deterrent. Upon initial application, the caterpillars slowed down but did not die. I increased the concentration by half and tested it on a few subjects. There was an immediate reaction to the spray. The caterpillars rolled over and died within 90 seconds. I initially spot sprayed any plants that had any caterpillars on them then sprayed all the perimeter rows to inhibit the migration into the field. I then applied to all plants as James told me it would change the pH of the plant to where the pest would not consume any foliage. This was confirmed as about two weeks after the fight there were virtually no caterpillars on any leaves. A few were observed on the stems but not the leaves. A DNR rep stopped by to place a Gypsy Moth trap on my property, and I showed her the reaction and result of the spray. She was astonished as the DNR’s approach is to aerial spray a pheromone to inhibit mating of the moths. Another note: Blueberry harvest for these varieties in this region is usually from about the 3rd week of July to the end of August. Another note: Blueberry harvest for these varieties in this region is usually from about the 3rd week of July to the end of August. This year we were picking the last of the blueberries on September 24th. No other growers in the region still had berries this late. Overall, I am amazed at the production results. I harvested 875lbs of berries from 1,000 plants that are 1/8th of the estimated maturity.” -Cid, from Cid’s Blueberry Farm

Blue Gold™ Results On Cid’s Organic Blueberry Farm In Minnesota!

Pellentesque et lacus pretium tincidunt. Pellentesque at metus. Donec nisl a nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in nulla orci ut leo nec cursus consequat, orci ut

August 23, 2016
As Monsanto parades their genetically modified seed, throwing it out like candy into the fields, future generations are being subjected to nutritionally void, disease-causing food. As the government protects the GMO industry, with its recent signing of the “Monsanto Protection Act”, the republic’s health interests are being discarded. A 2012 study, called the Corn Comparison Report, was recently released by Profit Pro and published on the website for Moms Across America March to Label GMOs – a group dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of genetically modified organisms. The Corn Comparison Report detailed the nutritional deficiencies of GMO corn compared to regular organic corn. The report reveals the stunning levels of glyphosate in GMO corn and the number of vital nutrients that have been drawn out. GMO corn: nutritionally void The nutrition statistics for GMO corn are bone chilling. Here is what the report indicates: • Organic corn has 14 ppm of manganese. GMO corn has only 2 ppm. • Real corn has 7 times more manganese! • Organic corn has 6130 ppm of calcium. GMO is stripped down to 14 ppm. • Real corn has 437 times more calcium! • Organic corn has 113 ppm of magnesium. GMO corn is vacant, with only 2 ppm. • Real corn has 56 times more magnesium! GMO corn contains alarming glyphosate levels The amount of formaldehyde and glyphosate in GMO corn is unbelievable. To break it down, American EPA standards allow glyphosate in water of up to .7ppm. European tests indicate that animals begin experiencing liver damage at .0001 ppm of glyphosate in water. Putting these two statistics together, America’s water levels contain glyphosate that is 7,000 times greater than the amount required for animal liver damage! GMO corn takes that statistic up yet another notch. GMO corn contains 13 ppm of glyphosate or the equivalent of 130,000 times more toxicity than EPA water standards! The formaldehyde level of GMO corn is unspeakable. In a similar study on GMO corn, Dr. Huber found out that animals avoid GMO corn at all costs. When given a choice between both GMO and non-GMO varieties of corn, animals always go for the real organic corn. Huber also found out that .97ppm of formaldehyde is toxic to animals. The GMO corn he tried to give the animals contained 200 times that amount! This begs the questions: • Why is something this toxic fed to humans? • Why would humans touch the stuff in the first place? • Are people devolving? • Have their instincts been shut down? • Is their intuition numb? • Are they distracted by pretty labels and promises of safety? Genetically modified organisms are an open invitation to disease, cancer, and infertility. What a person consumes is what they become. Eating nutrient-void, formaldehyde-laden GMO corn is beckoning a disease-ridden population. There is enough evidence out now that explains the horror of genetically modified food. Any corporation that feeds this genetically modified system to the people should be tried for crimes against humanity. Sadly, Monsanto and other biotech giants may have just been pardoned for their crimes against humanity. Through recent lobbying by the federal government, Monsanto was able to protect their GMO industry and get Congress and President Obama to pass a provision that exempts them from GMO liability. This law was signed into motion on March 26 and allows biotech companies like Monsanto to bypass federal approval tests and plant their GMO crops despite well-known health risks. This provision frees biotech companies from their liability to the people and from judicial accountability.

Comparison of GMO and non-GMO corn

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